Its a mobile game. Specially designed for smart phones or PDAâs. Where player has to control a continuously moving ball with the help of a bar, that he can draw on the mobile screen using pen. That bar will act as a barrier on the way of moving ball. And the ball will rebound after striking the bar. The target of the player is to not to allow the ball to hit the boundries of the screen and in addition to that he has to make the ball to hit specific items moving in space to earn points and some strengths and also he has to avoid some items in space that can result in death or loss of points for the player. So ultimately the goal of the player is to stay alive as long as he can and cover more and more stages, to get maximim points.
"Hawkins Wormhole" - narrative
You are Steven Hawkins and you are traveling through universe with a spherical time capsule. Your mission given to you by the Royal Science Academy is to collect Newtons "apples" that has been spread out in the universe by the big bang. When you have collected enough of apples in one area a wormhole will form as a space worm appears. The space worm wants to eat your apples. The only possibility for you to keep the apples is now to escape through the worm hole or else be eaten by the space wormâ¦
Friday, April 21, 2006
the game design v0.1
Radioactivity – number of points is taken. Speed is decreased.
Rapair – number of point of damage repaired for each wrench appearing. Speed is increased.
Drain - when a Hawkins moves onto or over a drain, speed is decreased.
Spaceworm – Will hunt you and try to eat you, and it will compete for the Newtons apples. You have to be first or the worm will eat them.
Attractor & Deflector – Works in cycles. For one cycle is will attract you…. And if you are trapped you have to stay inside it until next cycle it will deflect you. If you were trapped in its last cycle it will repeal Hawkins in a random direction. If you were not trapped you will just be deflected.
Randomizer – Will repeal you in a random direction.
WormHole – will teleport you to a new level.
Newtons Apple – what will give you scoring marks and more speed.
Moving Walls – moving in the direction of the shortest side.
Hawkins – the player, this is you!